Portal:What Government do We Want

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The Big Issues

Throughout our history in America we have had big issues to deal with. A few may unite us. However, it seems today that more divide us. The federal government is usually involved and we sometimes turn to our Supreme Court to sort it out. We are a strong nation. We have been through worse internal conflict and our American form of governance has given us some unique ways of sorting things out.

This portal is an entry point into what Civicwiki intends to be a factual and honest discussion of 'The Big Issues' to achieve better understanding and, thereby, more agreement.

We will start this portal/category by looking to polls conducted by Gallup since the 1950s and 60s. One of these asks the question, what is the [greatest threat] - big government, big business or big labor. In 2013 72% responded with 'big government'. Another Gallup poll asks more general questions about what Americans see as the[most important problems]. Weigh in with your edits. And give us your articles as other issues fill your mind.

Face to face.JPG

"And it happened that both of them came to a place
Where they bumped. There they stood.
Foot to foot. Face to face."
from The Sneetches and Other Stories, by Dr. Seuss.

Categories and contents

Click on arrows to see subcategories and articles.
Article titles are in italics.

Category The Big Issues not found

Things you can do

  • Improve the introduction above (text and image).
    • Find a good image to represent the portal.
  • Write (or edit) a page about about a big issue.

Sand Box

  • Here is a link to test article 1. It was created without using the Article form.
  • Experiment 2
