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===Welcome to Civicwiki===
How do we want our government to behave and how do we want to be governed?  More and more the answer to that question is becoming increasingly important to our daily happiness and well being.  <!-- Should it be liberal, conservative, progressive?  -->
(see also [[Civicwiki:Just the Facts Maam|about CW]])
Providing you with the information needed to answer that question is the main goal of CW.  Every CW topic category contributes to that answer. 
<br>CW is a project that seeks to bring objective thought to civic issues.  It is a reaction to the political process as it has evolved from our country's beginnings into what it has become today - a process filled with misinformation to serve political agendasToo often the desire for political power trumps truth.   
However, the question is approached directly within: <br>[[Portal:What Government do We Want|What Government do We Want]].
CW would prefer political advocacy that places objective information above political agendaWe have an agenda that we hope is acceptable to all - to establish an environment of anonymous civil discourse that helps CW readers become immune to misinformation and to be able to see through the fog of political rhetoric.   
<br><br>A premise of CW is that there is a set of [[Inalienable Rights|inalienable rights]] that apply to us all. All of us should be equal in our enjoyment of these rights. And this set of rights should not be violated or abridged by any person or group.
In America's early days we were an independent lot.  We believed in liberty, a right to property, and freedom from arbitrary arrest.  We saw the need for government but the problem was how to use it to maintain order without destroying liberty or trampling on our 'inalienable' rights.  This balance was the subject of public debate leading up to the ratification of our constitution, articulated in essays that come down to us as The Federalist Papers and The Anti-Federalist Papers.  It amounted to one side saying that the existing confederation of independent states provided as much government as could exist and be compatible with liberty; and the federalists saying that the Confederation was insufficient to maintain order and provide for a nation strong enough to defend itself against external (and internal) attacks on that liberty.  Both sides agreed with Thomas Paine who wrote "government even in its best state is but a necessary evil in its worst state, an intolerable one." (''Common Sense'' 1776). 
<!-----Richard Epstein describes their dilemma thus: "A government that is too strong can become tyrannical and oppress its citizens; yet a government that is too weak cannot withstand a succession of internal upheavals or external attacks . . , with catastrophic loss of liberty and destruction of property.  The key challenge was to determine how best to navigate between these two perils."<ref name="Classical Liberal Constitution"> Epstein, Richard ''The Classical Liberal Consititution'' (2014) Cambridge, Massachusetts; Harvard University Press</ref>
In the early 20th century there was a shift toward the progressive view that saw government not as necessary evil, but as a force for good--correcting social flaws that the minimalist approach ignored-->
<!--- Following Epstein's analysis <ref name="Classical Liberal Constitution"> Richard Epstein ''The Classical Liberal Consititution'' (2014)  Cambridge, Massachusetts; Harvard University Press</ref> --->
<!--- This view holds that individual rights are not 'inalienable', but are created by government; and that a benevolent and powerful state--->
<!---, administered by impartial experts,--->
<!---can eliminate the economic imbalances created by our rapid industrialization and advance of technologyThe constitution's limits on government power were seen as barriers to a modern state to be overcome by greater power to be exercised by impartial administrative agencies that receive power from the legislature and that major issues should be settled through the action of a democratically elected legislature unfettered by the Constitution's structure, protection of property, and judicial review.  
Which do we want? This discussion is embedded in each CW topic.  [[Portal:Liberty and Constitution|Liberty and Constitution]] and [[Portal:Economic Freedom|Economic Freedom]] bear on the question more directly than the others. <br>CW is on the side of liberty protected by only as much government as is necessary. We will also present thoughtful contributions that disagree.
<references />

Latest revision as of 21:23, 14 September 2015

How do we want our government to behave and how do we want to be governed? More and more the answer to that question is becoming increasingly important to our daily happiness and well being. Providing you with the information needed to answer that question is the main goal of CW. Every CW topic category contributes to that answer. However, the question is approached directly within:
What Government do We Want.