Difference between revisions of "Civicwiki:Just the Facts Maam"

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(First thoughts for this page.)
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Revision as of 23:38, 21 December 2013

Welcome to Civicwiki! You are about to read of a project to provide objective information about a range of civic information, and why this particular project has been started. After all, this has been done before by folks with many different agendas. Agendas are a part of social and political interaction. This project has an agenda that we hope is acceptable to everyone - to make fact preeminent - to frame issues in terms of the facts - and, therefore, force other agendas brought into the content of this site to stand on the merit of fact.

Civicwiki is a reaction to the political process as it has evolved over the last couple decades - plenty of rhetoric, a lot of assertion, fact presented out of context, some facts presented while some suppressed, falsehood presented as fact, and all of it to serve political agendas. Political advocacy that places a mission to provide objective information above a political goal is virtually non existent. Civicwiki is intended to do just that.

But also keep in mind that none of us are Dr. Spock. Let me digress briefly and explain. I (the person who originated this page) had a friend, now gone, who was the smartest person I have known. When we were undergraduates in Austin he told me that he would go to medical school, become a psychiatrist, move to San Francisco, and help people deal with reality (the facts). And he did those things. He and I held in common a philosophy of life that we believed could be traced to fundamental factual premises and we discusses and debated it frequently. One day he told me something that had the ring of truth. He said that, in spite of our adherence to logic, we were fundamentally emotion based creatures. ..... probably take this paragraph out.