Help Civicwiki
Civicwiki needs the help of those interested in adding content and helping to develop the site. The few sponsors of CW do not have sufficiently deep pockets to pay for all of the work needed to get CW working as it should - and we are not set up to accept donations of money.
For now, we would like to keep CW a product of volunteers and what basic development the sponsors can afford to pay for. When this project was started, none of the sponsors had any web/wiki site development or legal expertise. So, a good way to help is by donating your expertise and time in that regard.
Help with site development
There is a list of relatively simple site development tasks to be done. If you have an understanding of wiki and web sites in general and Mediawiki in particular, we need your help. This site is based on Mediawiki and Semantic Mediawiki.
- We would value suggestions on how to structure the site for attracting viewers and members and ease of use.
- To keep it simple and, hopefully, effective, we are using Wikipedia as the model.
- We would greatly value your donation of Mediawiki exptertise and programming.
- Some tasks may simply be to provide instruction to our sponsor team on the best way for a website beginner to construct CW site infrastructure using Mediawiki.
To volunteer to help with site development, contact us
Legal help
Civicwiki must have legally sound copyright policy and disclaimers. At this point, we have piggy-backed on Wikipedia for that. We need legal review and tailoring to Civicwiki site requirements. If you have such expertise, please contact us or leave a message on the talk page for Jeff.
Become a writer or editor
What we need most is good writers to help write and edit content for CW. If that kind of participation appeals to you, there are a few things to read (if you have not yet done so) that will explain our mission.
- First would be about Civicwiki.
- Then read about the CW mission.
- Next, read the information on the main page.
- Then read the introductions to each of the top level topics (in wiki-speak a "topic" is called a "category"). These can be found by clicking on the portal links for the top level categories near the top-right of the main page.
There is a tutorial for editing an article and also for creating an article. It would be useful to first click on "Help" on the left sidebar and read the relevant paragraphs.
We need a simple, but distinctive logo. Give us your suggestions by clicking on the 'Discussion' tab at the top and then click on 'Add a topic.'