Portal:Inalienable Rights

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Inalienable Rights

The phrase 'inalienable rights' was likely first used in 1725[1][2]. It is synonymous with 'natural rights' and 'God given rights' The word inalienable draws attention to the idea that such rights are immutable.

This concept of such rights, due everyone at birth, is the foundation of the rule of law - which is the foundation of our government. Rule of Law is the foundation of the most successful governments. England was first to rely on it through its Common Law. Then America developed it further and placed it at the center of the new government for the United States. Though both have at times strayed, these governments were set up as guardians of these fundamental rights and the people to whom they belong.

This portal is the place to assign categories and articless that present and discuss the concept of rights as it concerned America's founders, early Americans, and how rights are understood today.

Candidate topic outline:

  • The philosophical foundation for the concept of rights
    • Aristotle, Locke, etc.
    • How are such rights reconciled with society and government?
  • America's Common Law Heritage
  • The Rule of Law
  • Conditions in England in the early 17th century (probably belongs in 'America's Heritage' with a section on individual rights as understood in England at that time.)
  • Discussions on papers, letters, and pamphlets in 18th century America that dealt with rights
  • Rights as defined in our constitution and its amendments (may belong in 'Federalism and Democracy'. Could be assigned to both categories.)
  •  ??
  1. Francis Hutcheson, Inquiry into the Original of Our Ideas of Beauty and Virtue, 1725
  2. Hutcheson foreshadowed the Declaration of Independence, stating: “For wherever any Invasion is made upon unalienable Rights, there must arise either a perfect, or external Right to Resistance. . . . Unalienable Rights are essential Limitations in all Governments.”
Inalienable rights.jpg

Categories and contents

Click on arrows to see subcategories and articles.
Article titles are in italics.

Things you can do

  • Improve the introduction above (text and image).
    • recommend a better image to represent the portal.
  • Edit the page Inalienable Rights.

Sand Box

  • Here is a link to test article 1. It was created without using the Article form.
  • Experiment 2