Economic Freedom and Political Freedom
Is it possible that economic freedom and political freedom can exist in isolation from one another in the sense that any political arrangement can be coupled with any economic system? It is believed so by some, and usually by two types:
- "Socialist democrats" believe that a state run, centrally planned government can guarantee individual freedom through political action; and
- Totalitarian governments who believe that, by allowing a limited amount of economic freedom, that their population will be sufficiently comfortable to endure single authority rule.
2014/10/24 User:Jeff
Before we get into the article let's play a game.
We'll set up a scenario of two alternatives and you vote for which you would prefer to live in. It is an exercise to have you consider what economic freedom means before reading the article and to illustrate that real economic freedom goes beyond what we are used to today. There should be no question which alternative ensures greater freedom. Also ask yourself which alternative will produce the most beneficial economic results for all citizens. Is your choice for living in and your pick as the most economically beneficial for all the same? Its ok to change your vote at any time. We don't have a convenient way to record your votes. But, if you are so inclined, you can leave a comment on the "Discussion" page for this article by clicking on the tab at the top of the article to tell us how you voted.
Here is the scenario: The United States splits into two countries - states on one side of the border retain the political and economic arrangements of the U.S. as it is today (as-is). On the other side of the border there is a new U.S. that adheres to a policy of maximum economic freedom. The focus in this game is on economic freedom with political freedom playing a supporting role only as needed. Don't try to think about how it splits geographically. That is unimportant to the game (though it might be a fun diversion).
- A thing to notice is that we are silent on welfare. Welfare is not a restriction of the economic freedom of the recipient. For example, food stamps do not restrict the economic freedom of those who receive therm.
- While it might be argued that welfare restricts the economic freedom of those who pay the compulsory taxes to fund it, we will keep that discussion separate.
Alternative 1: The new US:
- In the "new" US, economic freedom is pursued as an end in itself.
- It is too difficult to describe everything that entails and we want to be brief,so we'll list just enough to give you the flavor.
- No one is required to contribute part of their income to a retirement program that is administered by the federal government. Voluntary tax deferred savings accounts are allowed.
- (i.e., no Social Security taxes or benefits, but 401Ks and IRAs are allowed)
- No one is required to contribute part of their income to purchase old age health insurance.
- (i.e., no Medicare taxes or benefits)
- The government does not intervene financially or politically to rescue or bail out any non-government financial institute or business enterprise.
- (i.e., there is no "too big to fail".)
- No commercial corporation, company, or group is singled out for special tax or regulatory treatment.
- (i.e., no crony capitalism whatsoever)
- Farmers are not regulated in how much of a certain crop they can produce.
- Nor do farmers receive federal subsidy or price controls for any agricultural product.
- There are few government regulations restricting trade.
- In the "new" US, you can buy a foreign product or sell to foreigners with the only restrictions relating to national security.
- In the "new" US, investors, consumers, and providers of services and products are protected by laws that enforce contracts and similar laws of fairness. The federal government does not attempt to solve all ills with regulatory legislation in reaction to each crisis or stress to the economy.
- Example: The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act does not exist
- Business entities face far fewer regulations. There are only the essential regulations that set mandatory financial reporting standards for the administration and financial reporting of publically traded companies.
- Example: The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 that took financial reporting requirements to new levels does not exist.
- Licenses are not required to engage in any occupation.
- Examples: cab drivers, barbers, doctors, lawyers
- The government takes no role in determining minimum pay for any employee of a private enterprise nor does it regulate comparable pay between occupations or groups of people. (example: there is no minimum wage)
- Employees have the right to form and support unions, but each employee has the right to work without belonging to a union or paying union dues. Association with and support of unions, guilds, and associations is voluntary
Alternative 2: The as-is US:
- The starting point is a snapshot taken in the fall of 2014 about the time of the 2014 mid-term election.
- In the as-is US all of the examples of programs and regulations that are noted above as absent in the "new" US, are present in the as-is US.
Consider the two alternatives and decide which you would prefer to live under.
Now let's get on with the article:
Economic Freedom and Political Freedom
For purposes of this article, we must say what we mean by "liberal" as it has taken on a meaning in modern politics that is different from it's origins. In this (and some other) article(s) a liberal is one for whom freedom of the individual - both political and economic liberty - is the ultimate goal. This meaning gave birth to the word "liberal". Laissez-faire is a policy opposing governmental interference in economic affairs beyond the minimum necessary for the maintenance of peace and property rights. Liberals and liberalism advocate for economic freedom. Laissez-faire and economic freedom are much the same thing.
Is it possible that economic freedom and political freedom can exist in isolation from one another in the sense that any political arrangement can be coupled with any economic system? It is believed so by some, and usually by two types:
- "Socialist democrats" believe that a state run, centrally planned economy can be run by a government that guarantees individual freedom through political policy; and
- Totalitarian governments who seem to believe that, by allowing a limited amount of economic freedom, that their population will be sufficiently comfortable to endure single authority rule.
Those who believe in the first of these usually consider "material" considerations to be beneath them and of little importance. Such a view is often held by the intellectual class (who considers intellectual pursuit on a higher plane) and seldom by the working middle class or most other folks.
The liberal is concerned with the economic relations among people in which freedom is the first priority. But economic freedom presents its own demands. A free market will provide a wide range of choices and opportunities, but it will not make the choice for you. In an economically free society, each person must decide what to do with their own time and efforts. Having such choices is fundamental to a happy life for some and a burden for others. On the other hand, no one likes being directed in such a choice against one's will. A great example is the ["control of engagements order"] that briefly became policy in England after WWII when the Labor Party, elected to control of government on the basis of a socialist platform, gave itself the power to allocate individuals to specific jobs. It proved so unpopular so quickly - interestingly enough primarily among the miners who were the major labor party constituents - that it was quickly repealed. That point marked a big swing in government policy back toward laissez-faire in England and other countries for a time. Socialism, as it approached its logical conclusion, not only failed to achieve the expected results, it violated cherished economic freedom of the individual.
The game we concocted above illustrates that economic freedom is a part of freedom itself but also that economic freedom is a principle that is frequently ignored. For a liberal, liberty is the standard and freedom must be maximized. On the other hand, some would not want the freedom provided in the "new" US. They view lasses-faire as somehow unfair. They believe that government is a more appropriate protector of rights than the market place. They want restrictions placed on freedom. It must be acknowledged that government is necessary to a well ordered society. And that there are legitimate restrictions on freedom and on economic freedom that must be tolerated if government is to function. For instance, individuals do not get to decide for themselves how much money is to be spent on defense. That must be decided by government. Calls for restrictions on economic freedom outside these essential functions of government are calls for special treatment and special protections at the expense of someone's freedom.
Economic freedom is also a means to achieving political freedom. In theory, a country could be run by a dictator who decrees that the economic system will consist of a free market and complete economic freedom. History provides no pure examples but there have been instances in which a country was run by a powerful dictatorial leader and lacked political freedom but had many elements of competitive capitalism. Some examples can be taken from Europe in the fist half of the 20th century. (Nazi Germany is not one of them.) China today is an emerging example. Inside China there is no political freedom, but the government has slowly been allowing increasing economic freedom. They may have let the genie out of the box and be compelled to continue economic liberalization. On the other hand, there is no example from history in which political freedom was not accompanied by a similar measure of economic freedom. This suggests that economic freedom is necessary to political freedom - but not sufficient. Economic freedom by itself will not guarantee political freedom. But the absence of economic freedom seems to guarantee the absence of political freedom. This is not surprising. It seems intuitive that economic freedom can be required by an all powerful government that enforces free market policies, but that political freedom without economic freedom is meaningless. What purpose can political freedom serve, indeed how can it exist if one is not allowed to control one's own economic transactions and decisions, decide one's own occupation, choose one's own employer (or one's own employees), and decide how to spend one's time and energies in the production of the services and goods one chooses to exchange with other economically free people in the pursuit of material well being?
In society the problems of social organization are how to accommodate diversity and how to coordinate economic activity. Division of labor is required to make efficient use of resources. Money is also required in any society beyond the primitive. There are two ways of coordinating the economic activity of a large society[1]. One is central direction as is used in an army or a totalitarian state, with coercion as a ready option. The other is voluntary cooperation of individuals participating in an open market. Friedman states that such voluntary transactions must be voluntary and informed on both sides if market coordination is to work correctly (Capitalism and Freedom chapter 1)[1].
- "Exchange can therefore bring about co-ordination without coercion. A working model of a society organized through voluntary exchange is a free private enterprise exchange economy--what we have been calling competitive capitalism."
In a simplified model of competitive capitalism we have individual households that use their resources to produce goods and services that they trade with other households on mutually acceptable terms. The trades are voluntary in that each household has the option to produce what they need themselves. In a more complex representation we have private enterprises that act as intermediaries that allow individuals to more easily participate in an even more highly specialized system of division of labor - these are businesses large and small. In both cases, the ultimate parties to the exchanges are individuals and the exchanges remain voluntary. Little government participation is required. Government is needed to provide the essentials: the rule of law and property rights to prevent coercion of individuals; and enforcement of contracts so that a properly constituted agreement is honored.
A large free market place has built-in protection from coercion. Both sellers and buyers are protected from the coercion by the other by the fact that there are alternative sellers and buyers of both goods and services. For example, the market protects a worker by providing alternate employers. Truly free markets do this so well that the biggest objections are that they provide people with what they want rather than what the politically powerful think they should have, and that a truly free market does not provide the politically powerful with advantages that are obtained through special treatment by the government (cronyism). Such objections are behind most criticism of free markets and reveal a opposition to freedom itself.
One of the ideals of a free society is representation - in politics and in the economic system. We have a very large and diverse society. Because of that, representation in the political world is difficult to achieve in a meaningful way. How many political viewpoints can be reflected in government at one time? It's a very small number. This difficulty is what produces the deep political divides that we have. If half of the country is satisfied with government policy, the other half is likely opposed to it. In a free market system, on the other hand, effective and satisfying representation is achieved daily. You can go to the market and buy apples rather than bananas - or both. You can buy a red sports car or a blue bus. You have the opportunity to start your own business or work in the job of your choice. The options are not infinite and there is no guarantee that you will be able to fulfill every specific of the choice you make, but you will have agreed to the deal voluntarily and your preferences will be matched to a degree not approachable through politics.
It is this aspect of the free market that is economic freedom. The threat to either political or economic freedom is the power to compel - which power can be held by a monarch, dictator, oligarchy, or temporary voting majority. The protection of freedom requires that coercive power be eliminated wherever possible and that shat power is needed be dispersed. Economic freedom accomplishes that in the economic sphere and can provide a balance to political power. Consider - if you have complete economic freedom you can tolerate a lack of political freedom as it is primarily economic freedom that determines freedom of action.
- Milton Friedman provides an example worth repeating[1] in his first chapter of Capitalism and Freedom. It had to do with the Hollywood blacklist in the 1950s. In 1959 Robert Rich won an Oscar for writing The Brave One. He did not step forward to accept the prize. Rich was a pseudonym for one of the blacklisted writers. Rich turned out to be Dalton (Johnny Got His Gun) Trumbo, one of the original "Hollywood Ten" writers who refused to testify for the 1947 hearings on Communism in the movie industry. The producer later stated that "We have an obligation to buy the best script we can. Trumbo brought us The Brave One and we bought it" . . Economic freedom trumped political power.
You can believe, as we the sponsors of CW do, that communism or socialism would destroy all of our freedoms. But you can accompany that with a belief, as do we, that no economic transaction should be prohibited or interfered with because one of the members of the transaction advocates communism or socialism. The market gets to buy what it likes.
A final point is that markets are much more egalitarian than politics. You do not know, now would likely care, who raised the chicken you buy in the market or who bolted together your Ford F150. And this is true even if you are not so tolerant otherwise. Free markets accept all comers.
Acknowledgements: The CW sponsors hold to the premises that underlie this article. However, many of the ideas in the writing of the article are guided by the writings of a few economist / social scientist thinkers - primarily: [Milton Friedman], [F.A. Hayek], [Charles Murray], [George Gilder], [John Kenneth Galbraith] and [John Maynard Keynes]. References are provided in some instances. But supporting arguments are also taken from these authors without providing specific reference. We admit to freely and frequently using their ideas and arguments. CW claims no economic expertise of a technical nature.
The reader may conclude that we are influenced more my some than by others, or positively by some and negatively by others. We state that we are influenced by a reverence for freedom of individuals, which is what it used to mean to be a liberal. Our starting point is that freedom is a virtue to be strived for and use the writings of the referenced authors accordingly. Our definition of freedom is presented in the article: Freedom