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CW would prefer political advocacy that places objective information above political agenda. It's a tall order that will require the participation of many. We need an ever expanding group of contributors who agree with our mission.
The constitution of AmericaThe United States began as a society determined that liberty is fundamental to life. That premise, carefully adopted by a newly formed nation, would provide freedom, prosperity, and security for many millions over the next 230+ years. Liberty as a preeminent value has never been common. It was not commonplace then and America's impact can only be understood by examining our heritage, political debates, and evolution of government. We created something new - a constitutional republic with democratic input and a novel approach to government as a protector of the rights of 'the people', put in place because we understood that the coexistence of liberty, prosperity, security, and internal peace is fragile. We bet the future of our country on the strength of those protections. And America became the most successful of countries if personal freedom and well being, are the measures.
Please also read about the CW mission. Featured articleInalienable Rights
What government do we want?How do we want our government to behave and how do we want to be governed? More and more the answer to that question is becoming increasingly important to our daily happiness and well being.
Providing you with the information needed to answer that question is the main goal of CW. Every CW topic category contributes to that answer.
However, the question is approached directly within:
The Issues At our beginning, America debated how to build a government that afforded "liberty and justice for all" and would stand the test of time. This was not simple. One of the founders' biggest issues was finding a way such that people and independent states of diverse interests could live side-by-side and thrive under a common federal government.
Today's issues are no less important to the stability and longevity of our government and the harmony of our society. The details are different - but the issues are still about how a diverse people live under one government and reconcile their philosophical differences. Their importance is heightened because we now seem deeply divided. Politicians and factions play to our differences and divide us by misinforming us to get elected. It is a cynical play for political power at the expense of the health of our society. Therefore: