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CivicWiki is an odyssey to discover freedom. We, who live and probably grew up in America, should already understand it well, but I find that I had much to learn, and that is true for most of us. Though a simple concept, it is more complex that it appears on the surface. CW seeks to understand freedom thoroughly, what freedom is, what is good about it, why we should want it, why it is important; and to understand how much we can retain personally and how much must be given up to ensure social order. Understanding requires sorting through the concept of rights--what they are and what they aren't--where they start and stop. Developing this understanding is a philosophical and historical pursuit. Part of CivicWiki is devoted to this pursuit. But CW is intended to be philosophical and historical only to the point that we are smart enough to engage in the more important parts of our efforts.

More importantly, CW is also an application of our understanding to the question of how we want government to behave. Perhaps, most importantly - at least for some of the CW audience - CW is an application of our understanding to debates about the issues that come up in our economic, social, and political lives.

So we have to understand something of its philosophical underpinnings, its social evolution, and the political theory that will ensure it. Then we have to think about the practical effects of all this in terms of government organization and policy and in social mores.

To those for whom all this 'understanding' stuff is a bit dry and who want simply to get to the arguments, it is very easy to go straight to the issue debates. You'll find the link on the main page.

CivicWiki has been the personal odyssey here at its beginnings, of one person (encouraged and supported by a few others). I hope that will change, and hope that CW attracts a few that that have taken the trouble to understand one or two of the pieces of freedom's puzzle and who can write and edit CW articles. But, for now it is just me. So, perhaps a personal statement is in order.

Growing up in the U.S., I considered myself free. And for the most part that was true, though that truth continually changes. I became interested in personal freedom in college, prodded by an intellectual friend who had been doing a lot of reading and wanted me to suffer along and discuss. This friend was a libertarian. Throughout this, the desirability of, and the meaning of freedom seemed sufficiently self-evident to me that I assumed that pretty much everyone else felt the same way. I truly did not perceive anti-freedom tendencies in others that I did not interpret as a total absence of self esteem or a desire for power to direct the actions of others. Who among us likes to be told what to do? I essentially became a libertarian and, perhaps consistent with youth, disdained others who were not of like mind. However, the friend I mention presented me with an irritating thought which, to this day, I accept as truth. He asserted that, though we supported our beliefs with logic, it was our emotional make-up that was the basis of belief -- i.e., none of us are Dr. Spock.
Since then, I have done a lot more reading as well as living. While my fundamental beliefs have not changed since college, my understanding of them has broadened and deepened considerably. Perhaps more importantly, a more conscious understanding of the implications of my friends assertion has softened my reaction to those who think differently. That I still believe as I did and that those beliefs appear to be at odds with about half of America (at least on the surface), and that the consequences of our differences seem to take on increasing importance, I became interested in better understanding the whole thing -- the philosophical and historical fundamentals, the beginnings and evolution of our government, my own beliefs, the beliefs of others, and how we can at least find enough common ground to communicate civilly and objectively. It is my objective that the CW audience be drawn into a Discovery of Freedom and that we can apply what we have learned to debating the issues, so that we at least better understand and better trust each other's motives. That may sound simple, but it is not. The old saw about freedom being delicate and difficult to keep is becoming more evident to me with each passing year.

A few words about the tone of Civicwiki: we'll keep it civil and friendly. I get an occasional email from others in my tribe that is meant to scare me into indignation by 'revealing' actions and consequences of those in other tribes to demonstrate how wrong you all are and how right we are. CW will not engage in the kind of argument that simply pushes hot buttons. When I hear politicians of any stripe engage in that, which is about all most of them do, what I hear is that they think very little of my intelligence and maturity. CW will do its best to avoid doing that. We will do our best to rely on fact and reason, to understand and discuss.

This page is far from done.