Civicwiki:The liberation of us
CivicWiki was created as a reaction to our deepening political division. CW’s desire was to surface fundamental principles on which most of us can agree and, on that, build a consensus of how government should work. That seems a tall order. But perhaps we can build a civil discourse. To do that well, we need to understand our own beliefs and those that differ. Then, from civil discourse will come ever better understanding and our political divisions will become more principled, less tribal, and therefore smaller. Tribalism does not require understanding, it discourages it. Tribal members do not have to understand their beliefs; they only have to conform to them to be good members. Nor do they have to understand those of other tribes; they only have to oppose them. CW prefers to pursue better understanding.
Our early content had an historical perspective. The premise was that the United States was, and still is, the most dynamic and successful society on the planet; that it became so because of the principles and institutions on which its government was formed; and that erosion of those principles and the way we have reconstructed our institutions (the rise of the regulatory state and to a lesser extent the rise of entitlements) is damaging our economy, our society and us as individuals. CW’s aim was to persuade that reclaiming our foundation was the best route into the future for us all. Our direction was shifted somewhat by the realization that CW’s fundamental motive is the liberation of individuals . . . not a reconstruction of society.