Civicwiki:What government

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At our beginning, America debated how to build a stable government that afforded "liberty and justice for all". One of the biggest issues was finding a way such that people and states of diverse interests could live side-by-side and thrive.
Today's issues are no less important to the stability and longevity of our government and the harmony of our society. The details are different - but the issues are still about how a diverse people live under one government and reconcile their philosophical difference. Their importance is heightened because we now seem deeply divided. Politicians and factions divide us by misinforming us to get elected. It is a cynical play for political power at the expense of the health of our society. Therefore:

  • CW is about providing
    • informed citizens and a forum for objective information, better understanding, less divisiveness, and thus,
    • the political momentum that is needed to govern effectively.
    • (see: Just the facts)
  • and about
    • the issues that most concern Americans today, viewed in the light of the vision of liberty that created our country.
    • (see: The Issues)