In 1660 the eastern seaboard had a number … In 1660 the eastern seaboard had a number of thriving English colonies stretching from Newport News to the Penobscot River – though still sparsely populated. The English Colonies had a population approaching 80,000 plus another 6 or 7 thousand in the Dutch colonies. In 1660 representative government had been introduced in the English colonies, though the early charters promised it not. There was a little more religious tolerance than at home in England, though officially and in government that was not the case. Religious nonconformance was prohibited in most charters. A single established church (the Church of England) was still the norm. By 1660, survival in the colonies had become more certain than in the early days in which the odds were fearsome. After the first few attempts to establish colonies in Virginia, when the chances of survival were around 1 in 5, the English had kept coming.round 1 in 5, the English had kept coming. +