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Big Government
HasArticleDate 14 February 2014  +
HasAuthor User:BcatOne +
HasSummary Today, many people use the term 'big goverToday, many people use the term 'big government' to describe what they believe to be government overreach and intrusion in our daily lives at every level. Wikipedia defines it “as a derogatory term generally used by political conservatives, laissez-faire advocates, or libertarians to describe a government that they consider to be excessively large, corrupt and inefficient, or inappropriately involved in certain areas of public policy or the private sector”. But, a recent Gallup poll found that 72% of us – including 56% of Democrats and 78% of independents – believe it to be a big threat. The basic problem is, Government has this innate dilemma of balancing between serving and interfering.balancing between serving and interfering.  +
Categories Article  + , Role of Government  +
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