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American Independence and English Common Law
HasArticleDate 16 January 2014  +
HasAuthor User:WikiSysop +
HasImage Timeline.jpg  +
HasImage2 Declaration.jpg  +
HasImageDescription *1066 Battle of Hastings established the P*1066 Battle of Hastings established the Plantagenet kings *1154-1189 Reign of Henry II, the founder of Common Law *1215 Magna Carta - Limitations placed on the king's authority *1587 1st English colony in Virginia *1620 Grant of New England; the Pilgrims arrive in the Mayflower *1760-1763 The beginning of an era of American independence *1776 United States Declaration of Independence United States Declaration of Independence  +
HasImageDescription2 *1776 United States Declaration of Independence  +
HasImageTitle From the Battle of Hastings to American Independence  +
HasImageTitle2 United States Declaration of Independence  +
HasSummary '''American Independence and English Commo'''American Independence and English Common Law''' " 'Government is a conditional compact between king and people. A violation of the covenant by either party discharges the other from its obligation.' 'An Act [of Parliament] against the Constitution is void.' In these thirty words Patrick Henry and James Otis denied the divine origin of the British kingship and the legislative supremacy of the British Parliament, and substituted therefor the Common Law and the eternal rights of man."Common Law and the eternal rights of man."  +
Categories Article  + , English Common Law and Constitution  +
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 6 February 2015 22:42:19  +
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